Portfolio Info
- Client : Kisan Seva
- Category : Web & Mobile App
- Year : 2022
- Location : India
Portfolio Info
Project Scope
Client is in business of agriculture insurance and is a part of large business conglomerate. In order to increase their outreach to farmers, client wanted to develop a mobile based application that would
1. Enable farmers to digitize their farmland in the developed app.
2. Enable the company to push advisory to the registered farmers based on crop calendar cycle.
3. Enable the company to assess crop health and soil moisture using Satellite Imagery based NDVI values and advise farmers to take remedial measures.
4. Enable the company to give advance warning to farmers for extreme weather conditions such as excessive rain, drought, extreme temperatures not favorable to crop etc., by continuous recording and monitoring of weather data in back end.
5. The digitized farmland would then be linked with administrative and crop related attributes using backend GIS map data and attributes captured through simple forms developed in the App.
6. Client also wanted the App to be simple for ease of use by farmers and also multilingual.
Rainybits Scope
Rainybits took up the entire system development starting from Solution Architecting, UI/UX development, Coding, Quality Assurance and Deployment.
We developed both the Mobile App as well as a Web App for the client to manage the backend activities such as GIS data analysis, Weather data analysis, Push Notifications, User Management, Language Management etc. While the Mobile App was targeted farmers as the end user, the Web App primarily provides the client to manage the workflow, data and roles.
The App is being successfully used in two states in India and client has a roll out plan that will cover all states eventually.
Technology Stack
Frontend Tech Stack: HTML,CSS,Javascript,Angular, Xamarin Forms
Backend Tech Stack:
Framework: .Net Core, .Net Core, .Net MVC, .Net Web API
Programming Language: C#, Python
Data provider: Postgres, PostGIS, SQLite for offline storage
Security: HTTPS/OAuth,JWT Token, Custom Data Encryption
Logging: Serilog
Data Access: ADO.NET, LINQ, Lambda, Entity Framework
Cloud Services: Amazon S3, Amazon Lambda Functions, RDS, AWS ELB, EC2, Apache Server
Other services: Google Map API, Google Firebase